Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How I was brought back to the hobby

I was brought back to the hobby by 2 little goldfishes that were gifted to my sister by my then to-be-brother-in-law (and now brother-in-law) sheril. I had been a part of the hobby in my school days, when my father kept fishes. He would take me and my sister to the shop to buy fishes. We would select the ones that were cheap and colourful. Dad would anyways have the final word on which fish to buy. But he would always ask me and my sis before the purchase. He would primarily do all water changes and all maintainance work on the tank. I would help him out. (well my old days with fishkeeping certainly needs a separate post) Fyi, in my younger days, we had 15+ fish tanks. My dad used to breed live-bearers.

But it is only recently that I actually got into serious fishkeeping. After Sheril gifted my sis (Annette) a goldfish bowl, I slowly started remembering my old days with fishes and fish tanks. My old desires and my dream fish. There also was a little betta with the gold-fish, who obviously was not bound to survive, considering that we initially never fed him micro-pellets, and he wouldnt be able to take the high nitrate levels in the bowl. I never knew that then. But still, taking care of these fish instilled in me a desire to get back to serious fish-keeping again.

But since I am such an internet freak, and also a wiki-freak, I soon learnt about tank cycling, nitrates and their effect on fish, responsible fishkeeping, bacterial colonies et al. That is also when I decided that I want to come back to the hobby and give justice to the fish that I iltreated for so long...

I decided to go in for a big big tank. The size of the tank was inspired by the tank of a family friend. When I write this post, my big tank is well established, and the fish in it are doing well. I also have 2 smaller tanks to go with them. 1) A planted tetra tank with denisonii's. 2) A natives tank. Planning for a small betta cube in the near future. Have put my plans of having a 4 feet malawi set-up on hold for now.

Anyways, I think that just about summarizes how I came back to the hobby.

What this blog is about...

When I revived my fish-keeping hobby, I soon realized that I must have a blog devoted to this subject. This blog will primarily be devoted to the fish-keeping hobby and also all my other experiences with nature, including bike trips, nature trails, nature photography etc. Keep visiting if my interests interest you