Monday, May 31, 2010

Schistura Corica

Some of my ex-fish/invertebrates.

I haven't been able to update this blog for a really long time now, primarily due to my hobbies and other personal commitments lapping up a majority of my time. I always decide and try to blog systematically, but have failed to do it for the last four years. So i guess, its just going to be those ad hoc postings. Ill try my best though to update this blog regularly. Anyways here are some old fish pictures of mine. All these guys are dead now because of various reasons.

This guys is from my first batch of clown loaches. Clown loaches still are my no.1 freshwater fish. I really adore them, and Im really looking forward to growing some to their full adult size. I guess thats gonna take a really long time. Unfortunately, I lost this one and 17 others to an ick attack. This happened when I was without a quarantine tank (was too greedy and stocked every availabel tank with some fish or the other) and did not quarantine my new stock, nor did quarantine my sick fish. I also did not have a heater to help me fight ick. A hard lesson learned well. Will post some pictures of my existing CLs soon.

This one is probably one of the most beautiful and biggest angels I acquired. And also one of the most delicate and bullied fish. I got four of these, and put them into my community with 4 25 paise coin sized angels. There were some other pretty docile fish in the tank. But all of them thought that the angels fins might be tasty, and started pecking at it. In a span of week I lost all four of them, inspite of moving them to a safer tank with cardinals (at the cost of risking the cardinals). I wish I could lay my hands on these guys again, and grow them to a full size.

This fellow here is one of the 12 mosquito shrimps i got from Lakeland, in Kurla. They have been my favorite for the way they swim. They hang down their front legs, and propel themselves ahead using their hind legs. Its real fun watching these guys navigate waters. I need to get myself a shrimp tank, but how many tanks can a man take. :( Maybe I can scrap one for the shrimps.

Btw all pics have been taken with a Nokia N78.